Sahi Pro - Relation APIs

Relation APIs let Sahi relate one element to another.

There are 2 kinds of relation APIs: DOM Relation APIs and Positional Relation APIs

DOM Relation APIs

Sample table:



$elementHTML DOM element element to which the other element is near


_near is a DOM relation marker which specifies that the element should be searched near another element.

<table style="width:300px">
        <td>User One</td>
        <td id="del1"><a href="/deleteUser?id=1" onclick="return false">delete</a></td>
        <td>ID 1</td>
        <td>User Two</td>
        <td id="del2"><a href="/deleteUser?id=2" onclick="return false">delete</a></td>
        <td>ID 2</td>
Name Action ID
User One delete ID 1
User Two delete ID 2

_link(0, _near(_cell("User Two"))) points to the 0th link near cell with text "User Two".
Note that the index is 0 here since it is the nearest link.
_link("delete", _near(_cell("User Two"))) points to the nearest link with text "delete" near cell with text "User Two".
Note that we do not need to specify "delete[1]" since it is the delete link nearest to User Two.



$elementHTML DOM element element in which the other element is located


_in is a DOM relation marker which specifies that the element should be searched within another element.

In the same example table as above:
_link(0, _in(_cell("del2"))) points to the 0th link in cell with id "del2"
_link("delete", _in(_cell("del2"))) points to the link with text "delete" within cell with id "del2"



$elementHTML DOM element element in which the other element is located


_startLookInside is a DOM relation marker setter which specifies that the element should be searched within another element.

_link(0); //points to the 0th link in cell with id "del2"
_link("delete"); //points to the link with text "delete" within cell with id "del2"





_stopLookInside is a DOM relation marker re-setter which re-sets the _startLookInside relation marker.

_stopLookInside(); //reset the _startLookInside relation marker.

Positional Relation APIs


_rightOf($element[, $offset])

$elementHTML DOM element element to establish the _rightOf relation with
$offsetinteger array|integer optionaloffset above and below within which to look for elements boundry
within which to look for the other element.
If offset is an integer, both above and below offsets are set to this offset
element1 may be to the right but slightly above or below element2.
Sahi normally matches only elements whose bases match.
To force it to look a little above or below while looking to the right, use the offset.


_rightOf specifies that the other element should be searched to the right of this element.

_link(0, _rightOf(_cell("User Two")))
_link("delete", _rightOf(_cell("User Two")))
_link("delete", _rightOf(_cell("User Two"), 25))
_link("delete", _rightOf(_cell("User Two"), [25,25]))


_leftOf($element[, $offset])

$elementHTML DOM element element to establish the _leftOf relation with
$offsetinteger array|integer optionaloffset above and below within which to look for elements boundry
If offset is an integer, both above and below offsets are set to this offset.
element1 may be to the left but slightly above or below element2.
Sahi normally matches only elements whose bases match.
To force it to look a little above or below while looking to the left, use the offset.


_leftOf specifies that the other element should be searched to the left of this element.

_link(0, _leftOf(_cell("ID 2")))
_link("delete", _leftOf(_cell("ID 2")))
_link("delete", _leftOf(_cell("ID 2"), 25))
_link("delete", _leftOf(_cell("ID 2"), [25,25]))


_leftOrRightOf($element[, $offset])

$elementHTML DOM element element to establish the _leftOrRightOf relation with
$offsetinteger array|integer optionaloffset above and below within which to look for elements boundry
If offset is an integer, both above and below offsets are set to this offset.
element1 may be to the left but slightly above or below element2.
Sahi normally matches only elements whose bases match.
To force it to look a little above or below while looking to the left or right, use the offset.


_leftOrRightOf specifies that the other element should be searched to the left or right of this element.

_link(0, _leftOrRightOf(_cell("ID 2")))
_link("delete", _leftOrRightOf(_cell("ID 2")))
_link("delete", _leftOrRightOf(_cell("ID 2"), 25))
_link("delete", _leftOrRightOf(_cell("ID 2"), [25,25]))


_under($element[, $offset[, $limitUnder]])

$elementHTML DOM element element to establish the _under relation with
$offsetinteger array|integer optionaloffset specifies the left and right extension to element boundary
within which to look for the other element.
If offset is an integer, both left and right offsets are set to this offset
$limitUnderinteger optionalFor a large page, you may want to limit how far you look under. This value limits the
search to limitUnder pixels below this element.


_under specifies that the other element should be searched under this element.

_link(0, _under(_cell("Action")))
_link("delete", _under(_cell("Action")))
_link("delete", _under(_cell("Action")), _rightOf(_cell("User Two")))


_above($element[, $offset[, $limitTop]])

$elementHTML DOM element element to establish the _above relation with
$offsetinteger array|integer optionaloffset specifies the left and right extension to element boundary
within which to look for the other element.
If offset is an integer, both left and right offsets are set to this offset
$limitTopinteger optionalFor a large page, you may want to limit how far you look above. This value limits the
search to limitTop pixels above this element.


_above specifies that the other element should be searched above this element.

_cell(0, _above(_cell("User Two"))) // gives User One


_aboveOrUnder($element[, $offset])

$elementHTML DOM element element to establish the _aboveOrUnder relation with
$offsetinteger array|integer optionaloffset specifies the left and right extension to element boundary
within which to look for the other element.
If offset is an integer, both left and right offsets are set to this offset


_aboveOrUnder specifies that the other element should be searched above or below this element.

_cell(0, _aboveOrUnder(_cell("User Two"))) // gives User One

Parent APIs


_parentNode($element, $tagName[, $occurrence])

$elementHTML DOM element element whose parent we wish to access
$tagNamestring Tag name of parent. eg. "TD" or "DIV"
$occurrenceinteger optionalThe nth parent. 1 is the immediate parent.


Eg. in
<div id="div2">
  <span><div id="div1">
      <a href="">aLink</a>

_parentNode(_link("aLink"), "DIV", 1) // points to div1
_parentNode(_link("aLink"), "DIV", 2) // points to div2


_parentCell($element[, $occurrence])

$elementHTML DOM element element whose parent cell we wish to access
$occurrenceinteger optionalThe nth parent. 1 is the immediate parent.


Eg. in
<td id="id"><a href="">aElement</a></td>

_parentCell(_link("aElement")) // points to parent cell


_parentRow($element[, $occurrence])

$elementHTML DOM element element whose parent row we wish to access
$occurrenceinteger optionalThe nth parent. 1 is the immediate parent row.


Eg. in
  <td id="id"><a href="">aElement</a></td>

_parentRow(_link("aElement")) // points to parent row


_parentTable($element[, $occurrence])

$elementHTML DOM element element whose parent table we wish to access
$occurrenceinteger optionalThe nth parent. 1 is the immediate parent table.


Eg. in
    <td id="id"><a href="">aElement</a></td>

_parentTable(_link("aElement")) // points to parent table