Sahi Pro - What is new in Sahi Pro v5.1.0.0

abstract Sahi Pro v5.1.0.0 is a major release and contains many new features and bug fixes.

Key features

Internet Explorer 11 Support

Sahi Pro V5.1.0.0 adds support for the latest IE 11 browser.

CORS support

Most browsers have implemented/upgraded their CORS support/implementation.
Sahi Pro has updated its CORS support to handle HTML5 websites with cross domain AJAX requests.
Specifically, Access-Control-Allow-Origin errors that used to happen with older versions of Sahi Pro have been fixed.

Data Driven Suites

Say Hello to the next generation suite!
Data Driven suites (.dd.csv) can be used to run scripts, suites, and other
data driven suite files, pass data, tag individual scripts/suites and run them
selectively. You can now data drive multiple scripts simultaneously.
More Details

Brand new documentation

Sahi's documentation has been rewritten. APIs have been covered extensively.
Documentation is now available locally as part of the installation.
It can be accessed by clicking the "Docs" link on Sahi Dashboard.

Scenario Editor for Excel Framework

Sahi's Excel Framework allows business users and subject matter experts to write
test scripts in the language of the business and hide away implementation details.
The Scenario Editor takes it a step further by providing a web interface to manage such files.
It provides autocompletion of function definitions and highlights errors.

Sahi as a Documentation Tool

Sahi Pro can be used to create simple documentation with screenshots.
Manual testers can use this as a tool to create a knowledge base for other manual or automation testers.
The recorded document contains the script, plus screenshots. It can be run as a normal sahi script too, thus helping automation testers
quickly see what needs to be done. Details

Script specific object repository files

Object Repository files can be configured for individual scripts from the Controller during recording.

Upgrading Sahi becomes easier

Sahi Pro's Installer can now upgrade installed Sahi to a newer version.
During an upgrade, the userdata folder is not overwritten, thus preserving user scripts and settings.

Multiple browser sessions in single script

Sahi Pro can launch multiple browsers in the same session when needed.
_launchNewBrowser launches a new browser instance. The new instance does not share cookies with the base browser.
This allows testing functionality like chat where 2 simultaneous users need to be logged in into the system.
Once launched, steps can be directed to different browser instances via _selectBrowser.

REST APIs for WebServices

With these APIs you can access WebServices easily, instead of using Java code.
More details are available here. FAQ is available here

Email notification on Suite execution

Emails can be sent on completion of suite. Testrunner, drun and ant can be configured to send an email containing the playback reports on finishing execution. Details

Lots of optimizations

Database connection pools, thread pools, better memory management etc. have been added to make Sahi Pro lean, fast and stable.
If you use mysql or mssql as the reporting database, performance improvements can be significant.

New APIs

Other features

Bug Fixes