Sahi Pro - Excel Framework

abstract The Sahi Excel Framework allows testers to write their testcases in Excel and run it from Sahi. Often a testing team consists of a mix of subject matter experts, some manual testers and testers with some automation experience. Writing tests in the language of the business allows all stake holders to participate and derive value out of the automation process.

Sample Excel Sheet

For example, a simple test written as an Excel sheet looks like this:

TestCase Key Word Argument1 Argument2 Argument3
loadSahi "books_lib.sah"
Check shopping cart total [Documentation] Smoke test for add books
login "test" "secret"
addBooks 3 2 1
verifyTotal 1640
Test login error message [Documentation] Checks Invalid login message
login "test" "bad password"
verifyErrorMessage "Invalid username or password"

These tests talk mostly in the language of the business (also called a Domain Specific Language or DSL for that business), and hide away all the implementation details of clicking buttons and populating textboxes.

Loading Sahi script libraries

The implementation details are moved into an included Sahi script, which is linked to this Excel sheet via the initial

The code in books_lib.sah is given below:
function login($username, $password){
    _setValue(_textbox("user"), $username);
    _setValue(_password("password"), $password);

function addBooks($numJava, $numRuby, $numPython){
    _setValue(_textbox("q", _near(_cell("Core Java"))), $numJava);
    _setValue(_textbox("q", _near(_cell("Ruby for Rails"))), $numRuby);
    _setValue(_textbox("q", _near(_cell("Python Cookbook"))), $numPython);

function verifyTotal($total){
    _assertEqual($total, _textbox("total").value);

function logout(){

function verifyNotLoggedIn(){

function verifyErrorMessage($msg){
    _assertEqual($msg, _getText(_div("errorMessage")));

Executing the Excel Sheet

Executing the Excel sheet is no different from executing a Sahi script.
Just copy the Excel sheet into sahi/userdata/scripts directory (or inside a sub-directory) and the xls file will be visible in the drop down in Controller Playback tab. Choose the file, Click "Set" and then "Play" to playback.

Play back reports/logs

On execution, Sahi generates logs showing success or failure. Logs are visible from the "Logs" link in Playback tab.
Logs can also be accessed via http://localhost:9999/logs

A sample log is shown below. Clicking any step expands to show the underlying Sahi steps. You can click on the log statements below.

Expand All | Collapse All
loadSahi "sample_lib.sah"
Check shopping cart total[Documentation]Smoke test for add books
_setValue(_textbox("user"), "test"); at Mar 9, 2011 11:37:33 AM
_click(_submit("Login")); at Mar 9, 2011 11:37:33 AM
_click(_button("Logout")); at Mar 9, 2011 11:37:48 AM
Test login error message[Documentation]Checks Invalid login message
login"test""bad password"
_setValue(_textbox("user"), "test"); at Mar 9, 2011 11:37:49 AM
_click(_submit("Login")); at Mar 9, 2011 11:37:49 AM
_assertExists(_textbox("user")); at Mar 9, 2011 11:37:50 AM
verifyErrorMessage"Invalid username or password"

Please refer to sahi/userdata/scripts/demo/framework folder for some examples.

  1. Excel files need to be saved as .xls files in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format.
  2. You may need to close the Excel sheet before running it
  3. Only the first sheet will be executed. The first sheet should be called Sheet1 and should not be renamed
  4. For running excel based scripts via Sahi Pro, MS Excel NEED NOT to be installed on the system. You can even edit these excel files via the WebRunner UI.
  5. Due to a bug, numbers need to be formatted as text in Excel. One can do this by entering a single quote before entering the number
    For example type '23 instead of 23.


Test Case Key word Argument 1 Argument 2 Argument 3 Very first line of sheet
 Blank lines are ignored
 loadSahi"custom_lib.sah"Loads a Sahi script with required function definitions
Test Case OneStep OneParam1Param2New test case started.StepOne(Param1, Param2) is called.
Step TwoParam3StepTwo(Param3) is called
Test Case TwoStep One25"age"New test case started.String values are quoted
Step TwoParam5
Test Case Three[Documentation]Some description about the test case[Documentation] is useful for, well, documentation
Step One25"age"New test case started.String values are quoted
//Step TwoParam5Commented step using //
Step TwoParam6

Spaces will be removed from keywords and corresponding functions invoked.

The rules for writing the Excel sheet are as follows

The first line should be populated with
Test Case | Key word | Argument 1 | Argument 2 | Argument 3
The names of the columns are not important, but they should not be left blank

If the first column is populated, a new test case is started.

The second column holds keywords. Keywords are mapped to functions in the included Sahi script.
They can be user defined functions or Sahi APIs themselves

For example,
login "test" "secret"
in the excel sheet, maps to the javascript call
login("test", "secret");

_assertEqual _getText(_cell("msg")) "abcd"
_assertEqual(_getText(_cell("msg")), "abcd");


The Excel framework also supports variables, eg.

$userId=createUserInGroup"My name""My group"
verifyUserCreated$userId"My name""My group"


$msg= _getText(_cell("msg"))   
_assertEqual $msg "abcd"  

SetUp and TearDown

Different test cases may need the same steps to be executed before and after.
For example, one may need to login before and logout after each test case.
This can be accomplished through global SetUp and TearDown blocks.
TearDown will be called inspite of any errors or failures in the testcase.

[Global] [SetUp]  
_log"In Global Setup"
_log"In Global Teardown"
Verify books total addBooks 3 2 1
verifyTotal 1650
Verify books again addBooks 3 2 2
verifyTotal 2000

This will execute as:

 _log"In Global Setup"  
addBooks 3 2 1
verifyTotal 1650
_log"In Global Teardown"
 _log"In Global Setup"  
addBooks 3 2 2
verifyTotal 2000
_log"In Global Teardown"

Creating Keywords on the fly in Excel

Keywords are normally created as functions in the included Sahi scripts, so that the details are hidden away and one gets good programmatic control in the scripts.But sometimes it may be convenient to club together different steps and create a keyword in the Excel sheet itself.

Create AddBooksCheck Key Word[CreateKeyword]Add Books Check[CreateKeyword] command creates a keyword called "Add Books Check"
[Arguments]$java $ruby $python $totalThese are the arguments or parameters that "Add Books Check" takes as input
[Documentation]Data drivable add books check

So now, a call to "Add Books Check" like this:

 Add Books Check3211650

is equivalent to


Data driven testing

Data Driven Example[Keyword]Add Books Check Starts a testcase "Data Drivern Example"
AddBooksCheck function will be called for the data set below.
 [SetUp]This will be called BEFORE each row of data
 [TearDown]This will be called AFTER each row of data
 [Documentation]javarubypythontotalIgnored by Sahi. Makes test case more readable
 [Data]3211650[Data] denotes start of data

This roughly translates to:

 Add Books Check3211650
 Add Books Check4502100
 Add Books Check0193350