Sahi Pro - Parsing XML in Sahi Scripts

Sahi uses Rhino as its javascript engine and Rhino has excellent support for handling XML.

Below is a script which reads and asserts XML nodes and attributes. The example has been picked from so that it is easy to experiment
with the ibm examples in this script.

var xmlStr = '' +
'<people>' +
'   <person gender="male">' +
'      <name>Ant</name>' +
'      <hair>Shaggy</hair>' +
'      <eyes>Blue</eyes>' +
'      <height measure="metric">176</height>' +
'   </person>' +
'   <person gender="male">' +
'      <name>Paul</name>' +
'      <hair>Spiky</hair>' +
'      <eyes>Grey</eyes>' +
'      <height measure="metric">178</height>' +
'   </person>' +

xmlStr = xmlStr.replace(/<\?xml[^>]*\?>/, ""); // needed in some cases
var $x = new XML(xmlStr);
_assertEqual("Ant", $x.person[0].name.toString());
_assertEqual("Grey", $x.person[1].eyes.toString());

for each (var $p in $x.person){
    var $measure = $p.height.@measure.toString();
    _assert($measure == "metric");
    _assert($p.height > 170);

  1. All nodes that you access are of type xml. You will need to use toString() on them before you assert them.
  2. If your XML string starts with <?xml...?>, it may throw an error

    To fix it, do the following
    var xmlStr = xmlStr.replace(/<\?xml[^>]*\?>/, "");
    var $x = new XML(xmlStr);

Parsing XML containing namespaces

var $xmlStr = '' +
'<MyApp xmlns="">' +
'   <Id xmlns="">123</Id>' +
'   <Messages>' +
'        <Welcome>Welcome1 to MyApp</Welcome>' +
'        <Farewell>Thank1 you for using MyApp</Farewell>' +
'    </Messages>' +
'</MyApp>' ;

var $x = new XML($xmlStr);

// Set the default namespace. All elements will be in this namespace
default xml namespace = "";
var $welcome0 = $x..Welcome[0].toString();
_assertEqual("Welcome1 to MyApp", $welcome0);

// Specific namespace for id
var idns = new Namespace("");
// Access element using namespace::localName
var $id = $x.idns::Id.toString();
_assertEqual("123", $id);

For more details on e4x usage have a look at
There is a lot more that can be done with the XML object. Have a look at these links: