Sahi Documentation

What is new in Sahi Pro v7.0.0

abstract Sahi Pro v7.0.0 is a major release with significant feature additions and modifications. Please read this page fully before upgrading.

Key Modifications

warningRead this section, before upgrading to Sahi Pro v7.0.0

Expansion of platform to support non web technologies

Sahi Pro v7.0.0 is major rewrite of Sahi Pro. It was required to allow support for technologies other than web. Sahi Pro Desktop Add-on has been introduced which supports Windows and Java technologies.

danger Backward incompatible changes:
  • Java language driver: Sahi Pro's java language driver had been lagging behind Sahi script in implementation of APIs. We have now completely rewritten the Java driver such that new APIs are autogenerated and does not need maintenance. This has forced some deviations from the current Java driver. Please read Sahi Pro v7.0.0 Java Driver changes before upgrading.
  • Removal of Ruby driver: Due to very low demand for Ruby driver, we have removed support for Ruby driver. If you are a customer using the Ruby driver, please email us at support @ to discuss possible recourse.
  • Removal of older Java applet support. Sahi Pro v7.0.0 no longer supports the older (_applet()) way of interaction with applets. Sahi Pro v7.0.0 Desktop Add-on adds support for Java Applets, Java Desktop and Java Web Start Applications

Key Features

Support for Add-ons

Sahi Pro can be extended to work with technologies other than browsers using Add-ons. Scripts use _setMode with multiple modes to interact with applications. Sahi Pro Desktop Add-on has been released with v7.0.0 with support for Windows and Java applications.

REST Client UI

REST Client UI helps to work easily with REST APIs. It gives a graphical user interface to create scripts to interact with REST APIs, add assertions etc.

Javascript Code Coverage Reports

It is now possible to get Javascript Code Coverage metrics of web application. Reports are generated with function and decision point metrics and available with Sahi's suite reports. This has been described in detail here.

Script name, testcase name in tags

In scenario files (.s.csv) and data driven suite files (.dd.csv), user can run specific script by specifying script name or testcase name in tag field under playback properties in editor playback, for details click here.

Artifacts and screenshots available in offline reports

Now artifacts and screenshots appear in offline reports.

Evaluate Expression

Now user can write a script snippet in evaluate expression ant run it. It has ability to select different mode. This has been described in detail here.


While creating function from editor user can add JsDoc in script. This has been described in detail here.

New APIs

Modified APIs

Bug Fixes