Test Automation
November 29, 2024

How to automate Java Control Panel?

Java Control Panel is a utility tool to control how Java applications run on your system. Your Java applications may need specific runtime properties to be configured in the Java Control Panel.

Let's say, you need to disable the 'TLS certificate revocation checks' before launching your application.

To configure such properties in the Java Control Panel, you can use Java’s deployment.properties file. It is present at the following location.

Operating System Location
Windows <UserApplicationData>\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\deployment.properties
Linux ${user.home}/.java/deployment/deployment.properties
macOS ~/Library/Application Support/Oracle/Java/Deployment/deployment.properties

To disable the 'TLS certificate revocation checks', use Write File action and add below line to the deployment.properties file.


Reference: Oracle Docs

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