News and Events
October 31, 2016

Know your TestBash Speakers: Nancy Kelln

This series of blog posts is an attempt to introduce you to some of the TestBash Philadelphia 2016 speakers and ask them few questions related to the talk/work. Our previous speakers interviews can be read here: Alan Page, Maaret Pyhäjärvi, Dan Ashby and Stephen Janaway.

Today, we introduce you to Nancy Kelln. For those who have not heard of Nancy, here is a brief introduction about them from the speakers page at TestBash Philadelphia 2016.

Test Manager at FGL Sports Ltd. with 16 years of diverse IT experience, Nancy enjoys working with teams that are implementing or enhancing their testing practices and provides adaptive testing approaches to both exploratory and traditional testing teams. She has coached test teams in various environments and facilitated numerous local and international workshops and presentations. From small scale to multi-million dollar projects; Nancy has played many roles within testing including Project Test Manager, Test Manager, Test Lead and Tester. A co-founder of POST, Nancy is an active member of the Calgary Software Quality Discussion Group, Association for Software Testing, and the Software Test Professionals organization. Nancy and her family live in Airdrie, Alberta, Canada. Connect with Nancy on Twitter @nkelln.

Her session is titled: What the Hell Kind of Testing is That?

Sahi Pro: What is the biggest resistance when you try to implement ET (Exploratory Testing) in most of the organizations?

Nancy: The biggest resistance when implementing ET in organizations has been gaining alignment and dealing with other people’s fear. Organizations will say they want change. The leaders, and managers and employees will all nod their heads and wholeheartedly agree that ‘change needs to happen’ and some will even go out and start making that change. But even with agreement, many organizations and the people within them fear change. Even though they see things are broken and need changing they fear the unknown that change can bring. They worry that things will get worse (before they get better) and that their current ways of coping with the broken aspects of the system will no longer work, leaving them with more problems, roadblocks or delays that they no longer the means to deal with.

Sahi Pro: How did the community respond to your tweet to chat about the challenges in implementing ET?

Nancy: Testers LOVE to talk about testing. I received an amazing number of responses from my twitter request. It gave me some great ideas to include for the TestBash session as well as fueled my fire for a workshop on Implementing ET in Organizations that I am currently putting together.

SahiPro: Any organizations that you admire for how they approach testing?

Nancy: I don’t believe organizations drive testing so there isn’t an organization I would say I admire. What I do admire are the testers who are advocating for testing in their organization. The ones that are passionate about testing and have proclaimed that testing is their career. The ones that are mentoring others in their companies, either formally or informally, about good testing practices. The ones who aren’t afraid to try something new, push the envelop and raise the bar with their own testing and assist others in doing the same. The ones blogging and speaking and challenging testing ideas while bringing new ideas for others to consider. These are the people that drive the testing direction for organizations and change the way organizations implement testing

.Thank you for your time, Nancy. We appreciate your contribution to the software community and best wishes to you and the conference.

Hope everyone has a good time, listening to Nancy speak on "What the Hell Kind of Testing is That?" session. Do tweet and blog about the conference and share the learning with the software community.

About Sahi Pro:

We  are one of the micro sponsors of TestBash Philadelphia 2016.

Sahi Pro, the flagship product of Tyto Software, is a simple yet powerful test automation tool that enables Quality Assurance and Testing teams achieve high efficiency and productivity in their test automation process. Features like multi browser support, good recorder, automatic waits, inbuilt frameworks, and automatic reporting reduce the team’s effort and technical expertise required, ensuring faster delivery cycles, especially in Agile environments. Over 400 enterprise customers across diverse industry verticals like Banking and Financial Services, Healthcare, IT Services, IT Products, Retail, Media & Entertainment, Telecom and Government are achieving high ROI with Sahi Pro.

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