Sahi Pro was a proud partner and sponsor at the ‘Automation Summit’ recently conducted at Boston on 5th Dec 2019. This event highlighted the key trends in test automation as the industry sees a widespread adoption and demand for automation in testing. The key topics discussed were:
- The need for continuous testing in DevOps
- Approaches & Challenges for testing RPA Bots
- Shifting Left & Building Quality
- Data Protection issues
- How test automation can fail
The event saw many enthusiastic delegates and learned speakers host a variety of discussions. @Sahi Pro was introduced as a tester-focused tool for test automation which is built to automate web, desktop, mobile applications as well as web services. Testers got an introduction to Sahi Pro via brochures and a demo video.
Sahi Pro is striving to get closer to you via events like these which bring together the local testing community and introduce them to new opportunities, tools & technologies.