Sahi Pro - Responsive APIs

Responsive APIs can be used for checking responsiveness of a web application.


Since Sahi Pro: 6.2.1
Since Sahi OS: NA

_areHorizontallyAligned($leftElement, $rightElement[, $position[, $gap[, $offset]]])

$leftElementHTML DOM element Left element to be checked.
$rightElementHTML DOM element Right element to be checked.
$positionstring optionalPosition to be checked. By default position = "middle". Value of position can be either "top" or "bottom" or "both" or "middle".
$gapinteger array|integer optionalGap between right edge of left element and left edge of right element. If gap is an integer, it will take the exact value. And if gap is an array, Eg. gap = [10, 40], implies gap can range from 10 to 40. To force sahi to check for the gap between the two elements, use the gap. If nothing provided it wouldn't consider gap.
$offsetinteger array|integer optional Offset above and below within which to look for elements boundary for given position. If offset is an integer, both above and below offsets are set to this offset. rightElement may be slightly above or below leftElement. Sahi normally matches only elements whose bases match. To force it to look a little above or below while looking to the right, use the offset.


_areHorizontallyAligned checks whether two elements are horizontally aligned or not. Returns true if two elements are horizontally aligned, else false.
_areHorizontallyAligned(_div("item1"), _div("item2")) //by default middle position will be checked
_areHorizontallyAligned(_div("item1"), _div("item2"), "top")
_areHorizontallyAligned(_div("item1"), _div("item2"), "top", 20) //gap is exact 20.
_areHorizontallyAligned(_div("item1"), _div("item2"), "top", [0, 20]) //gap is only positive i.e. no overlapping is allowed
_areHorizontallyAligned(_div("item1"), _div("item2"), "top", [0, 20], 10) //gap is only positive i.e. no overlapping is allowed and offset for the top edge is 10


Since Sahi Pro: 6.2.1
Since Sahi OS: NA

_areVerticallyAligned($topElement, $bottomElement[, $position[, $gap[, $offset]]])

$topElementHTML DOM element Top element to be checked.
$bottomElementHTML DOM element Bottom element to be checked.
$positionstring optionalPosition to be checked. By default position = "center". Value of position can be either "left" or "right" or "both" or "center".
$gapinteger array|integer optionalGap between bottom edge of top element and top edge of bottom element. If gap is an integer, it will take the exact value. And if gap is an array, Eg. gap = [0, 40], implies gap can range from 0 to 40. To force sahi to check for the gap between the two elements, use the gap. If nothing provided it wouldn't consider gap.
$offsetinteger array|integer optional Offset left and right within which to look for elements boundary for given position. If offset is an integer, both left and right offsets are set to this offset. topElement may be slightly left or right to the bottomElement.


_areVerticallyAligned checks whether two elements are vertically aligned or not. Returns true if two elements are vertically aligned, else false.
_areVerticallyAligned(_div("item1"), _div("item2")) //by default center position will be checked
_areVerticallyAligned(_div("item1"), _div("item2"), "left")
_areVerticallyAligned(_div("item1"), _div("item2"), "left", 20) //gap can take the values between [-20, 20]
_areVerticallyAligned(_div("item1"), _div("item2"), "left", [0, 20]) //gap is only positive i.e. no overlapping is allowed


Since Sahi Pro: 6.2.1
Since Sahi OS: NA

_isCentered($element, $containerElement, $alignment)

$elementHTML DOM element Inner element to be checked.
$containerElementHTML DOM element Container element to be checked.
$alignmentstring Can be "vertical" or "horizontal".


_isCentered checks whether inner element is vertically or horizontally centered to the container element. Returns true if the two elements meet the condition, else false.
_isCentered(_div("item1"), _div("item2"), "vertical")
_isCentered(_div("item1"), _div("item2"), "horizontal")


Since Sahi Pro: 6.2.1
Since Sahi OS: NA

_isVisiblyInside($element1, $element2)

$element1HTML DOM element First element to be checked.
$element2HTML DOM element Second element to be checked.


_isVisiblyInside checks whether element1 is visibly inside element2. Returns true, if element1 is visibly inside element2, else false.
_isVisiblyInside(_div("item1"), _div("item2")) //implies _div("item1") is inside _div("item2")


Since Sahi Pro: 6.2.1
Since Sahi OS: NA

_isVisiblyOutside($element1, $element2)

$element1HTML DOM element First element to be checked.
$element2HTML DOM element Second element to be checked.


_isVisiblyOutside checks whether element1 is visibly outside element2 i.e one is not contained within other. Returns true, if element1 is visibly outside element2, else false.
_isVisiblyOutside(_div("item1"), _div("item2")) //implies _div("item1") is outside _div("item2")


Since Sahi Pro: 6.2.1
Since Sahi OS: NA

_isVisiblyOn($element1, $element2[, $topSpace[, $rightSpace[, $bottomSpace[, $leftSpace]]]])

$element1HTML DOM element First element to be checked.
$element2HTML DOM element Second element to be checked. Base Element.
$topSpaceinteger array|integer optionalSpace between top edges of the two elements. If topSpace is an integer, it will take the exact value. And if topSpace = [-20, 0], implies top edge of element2 lies above top edge of element1. To force sahi to check for the topSpace between the two elements, use the topSpace. If nothing provided it wouldn't consider topSpace.
$rightSpaceinteger array|integer optionalSpace between right edges of the two elements. If rightSpace is an integer, it will take the exact value. And if rightSpace = [0, 20], implies right edge of element2 lies to the right side of right edge of element1. To force sahi to check for the rightSpace between the two elements, use the rightSpace. If nothing provided it wouldn't consider rightSpace.
$bottomSpaceinteger array|integer optionalSpace between bottom edges of the two elements. If bottomSpace is an integer, it will take the exact value. And if bottomSpace = [0, 20], implies bottom edge of element2 lies below bottom edge of element1. To force sahi to check for the bottomSpace between the two elements, use the bottomSpace. If nothing provided it wouldn't consider bottomSpace.
$leftSpaceinteger array|integer optionalSpace between left edges of the two elements. If leftSpace is an integer, it will take the exact value. And if leftSpace = [0, 20], implies top edge of element2 lies to the right side of left edge of element1. To force sahi to check for the leftSpace between the two elements, use the leftSpace. If nothing provided it wouldn't consider leftSpace.


danger NOTE: All the spaces should be provided with respect to element2.
_isVisiblyOn checks whether element1 placed on element2. element1 may extend beyond element2 boundaries. Returns true, if element1 is visibly placed on element2, else false.

_isVisiblyOn(_div("item1"), _div("item2"), [0,25]); //implies _div("item1") is placed on _div("item2") where top edge of div("item1") can be upto
// 25 units below div("item2") top edge


Since Sahi Pro: 6.2.1
Since Sahi OS: NA

_isFitsWidth($element1, $element2[, $leftSpace[, $rightSpace]])

$element1HTML DOM element First element to be checked.
$element2HTML DOM element Second element to be checked. Base Element.
$leftSpaceinteger array|integer optionalSpace between left edges of the two elements. If leftSpace is an integer, it will take the exact value. And if leftSpace = [0, 20], implies top edge of element2 lies to the right side of left edge of element1. If nothing provided leftSpace will be considered as 0.
$rightSpaceinteger array|integer optionalSpace between right edges of the two elements. If rightSpace is an integer, it will take the exact value. And if rightSpace = [0, 20], implies right edge of element2 lies to the right side of right edge of element1. If nothing provided rightSpace will be considered as 0.


danger NOTE: All the spaces should be provided with respect to element2.
_isFitsWidth checks whether element1 fits within the width of element2. Returns true, if element1 fits within element2, else false.

_isFitsWidth(_div("item1"), _div("item2"), [0,25], [-25,0]);  //implies _div("item1") is  on _div("item2") where left edge of div("item1") can be
//upto 25 units right to div("item2") left edge and right edge of div("item1") can be upto 25 units left to div("item2") right edge


Since Sahi Pro: 6.2.1
Since Sahi OS: NA

_isFitsHeight($element1, $element2[, $topSpace[, $bottomSpace]])

$element1HTML DOM element First element to be checked.
$element2HTML DOM element Second element to be checked. Base Element.
$topSpaceinteger array|integer optionalSpace between top edges of the two elements. If topSpace is an integer, it will take the exact value. And if topSpace = [-20, 0], implies top edge of element2 lies above top edge of element1. If nothing provided topSpace will be considered as 0.
$bottomSpaceinteger array|integer optionalSpace between bottom edges of the two elements. If bottomSpace is an integer, it will take the exact value. And if bottomSpace = [0, 20], implies bottom edge of element2 lies below bottom edge of element1. If nothing provided bottomSpace will be considered as 0.


danger NOTE: All the spaces should be provided with respect to element2.
_isFitsHeight checks whether element1 fits within the height of element2. Returns true, if element1 fits within element2, else false.

_isFitsHeight(_div("item1"), _div("item2"), [0,25], [-25,0]);  //implies _div("item1") is  on _div("item2") where top edge of div("item1") can be
//upto 25 units below div("item2") top edge and bottom edge of div("item1") can be upto 25 units above div("item2") bottom edge