Sahi Pro - Accessor APIs

Form Input Elements


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_password(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: password
<INPUT type="password" name="password_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, associated label, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th password in the UI and 2nd password with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_password("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_password({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_password({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_password("password_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_password(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_password("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _setValue

Example usage:
_setValue(_password("password_name"), "apple");
_setValue(_password("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), "apple");
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("apple", _getValue(_password("password_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_textbox(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: text
<INPUT type="text" name="textbox_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, associated label, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th textbox in the UI and 2nd textbox with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_textbox("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_textbox({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_textbox({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_textbox("textbox_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_textbox(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_textbox("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _setValue

Example usage:
_setValue(_textbox("textbox_name"), "apple");
_setValue(_textbox("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), "apple");
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("apple", _getValue(_textbox("textbox_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_hidden(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: hidden
<INPUT type="hidden" name="hidden_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, css class, associated label, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th hidden in the UI and 2nd hidden with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_hidden("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_hidden({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_hidden({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_hidden("hidden_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_hidden(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_hidden("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _setValue

Example usage:
_setValue(_hidden("hidden_name"), "apple");
_setValue(_hidden("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), "apple");
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("apple", _getValue(_hidden("hidden_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3.5

API_datebox(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: date
<INPUT type="date" name="datebox_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, associated label, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th datebox in the UI and 2nd datebox with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_datebox("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_datebox({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_datebox({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_datebox("datebox_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_datebox(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_datebox("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _setValue

Example usage:
_setValue(_datebox("datebox_name"), "2012-12-18");
_setValue(_datebox("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), "2012-12-18");
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("2012-12-18", _getValue(_datebox("datebox_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3.5

API_datetimebox(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: datetime
<INPUT type="datetime" name="datetimebox_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 value="9/6/2011 14:06:48"
Identifiersname, id, associated label, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th datetimebox in the UI and 2nd datetimebox with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_datetimebox("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_datetimebox({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_datetimebox({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_datetimebox("datetimebox_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_datetimebox(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_datetimebox("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _setValue

Example usage:
_setValue(_datetimebox("datetimebox_name"), "9/6/2011 14:06:48");
_setValue(_datetimebox("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), "9/6/2011 14:06:48");
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("9/6/2011 14:06:48", _getValue(_datetimebox("datetimebox_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3.5

API_datetimelocalbox(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: datetime-local
<INPUT type="datetime-local" name="datetimelocalbox_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, associated label, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th datetimelocalbox in the UI and 2nd datetimelocalbox with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_datetimelocalbox("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_datetimelocalbox({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_datetimelocalbox({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_datetimelocalbox("datetimelocalbox_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_datetimelocalbox(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_datetimelocalbox("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _setValue

Example usage:
_setValue(_datetimelocalbox("datetimelocalbox_name"), "1985-04-12T23:20:50.52");
_setValue(_datetimelocalbox("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), "1985-04-12T23:20:50.52");
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("1985-04-12T23:20:50.52", _getValue(_datetimelocalbox("datetimelocalbox_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3.5

API_emailbox(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: email
<INPUT type="email" name="emailbox_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, associated label, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th emailbox in the UI and 2nd emailbox with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_emailbox("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_emailbox({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_emailbox({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_emailbox("emailbox_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_emailbox(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_emailbox("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _setValue

Example usage:
_setValue(_emailbox("emailbox_name"), "");
_setValue(_emailbox("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), "");
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("", _getValue(_emailbox("emailbox_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3.5

API_monthbox(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: month
<INPUT type="month" name="monthbox_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, associated label, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th monthbox in the UI and 2nd monthbox with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_monthbox("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_monthbox({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_monthbox({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_monthbox("monthbox_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_monthbox(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_monthbox("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _setValue

Example usage:
_setValue(_monthbox("monthbox_name"), "1996-12");
_setValue(_monthbox("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), "1996-12");
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("1996-12", _getValue(_monthbox("monthbox_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3.5

API_numberbox(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: number
<INPUT type="number" name="numberbox_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, associated label, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th numberbox in the UI and 2nd numberbox with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_numberbox("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_numberbox({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_numberbox({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_numberbox("numberbox_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_numberbox(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_numberbox("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _setValue

Example usage:
_setValue(_numberbox("numberbox_name"), "13579");
_setValue(_numberbox("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), "13579");
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("13579", _getValue(_numberbox("numberbox_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3.5

API_rangebox(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: range
<INPUT type="range" name="rangebox_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, associated label, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th rangebox in the UI and 2nd rangebox with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_rangebox("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_rangebox({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_rangebox({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_rangebox("rangebox_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_rangebox(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_rangebox("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _setValue

Example usage:
_setValue(_rangebox("rangebox_name"), "5");
_setValue(_rangebox("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), "5");
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("5", _getValue(_rangebox("rangebox_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5.2
Since Sahi OS: 3.5

API_searchbox(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: search
<INPUT type="search" name="searchbox_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, associated label, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th searchbox in the UI and 2nd searchbox with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_searchbox("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_searchbox({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_searchbox({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_searchbox("searchbox_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_searchbox(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_searchbox("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _setValue

Example usage:
_setValue(_searchbox("searchbox_name"), "apple");
_setValue(_searchbox("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), "apple");
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("apple", _getValue(_searchbox("searchbox_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 4.2
Since Sahi OS: 4.3

API_telephonebox(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: tel
<INPUT type="tel" name="telephonebox_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, associated label, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th telephonebox in the UI and 2nd telephonebox with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_telephonebox("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_telephonebox({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_telephonebox({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_telephonebox("telephonebox_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_telephonebox(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_telephonebox("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _setValue

Example usage:
_setValue(_telephonebox("telephonebox_name"), "123-555-2000");
_setValue(_telephonebox("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), "123-555-2000");
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("123-555-2000", _getValue(_telephonebox("telephonebox_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3.5

API_timebox(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: time
<INPUT type="time" name="timebox_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, associated label, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th timebox in the UI and 2nd timebox with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_timebox("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_timebox({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_timebox({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_timebox("timebox_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_timebox(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_timebox("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _setValue

Example usage:
_setValue(_timebox("timebox_name"), "17:39:57");
_setValue(_timebox("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), "17:39:57");
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("17:39:57", _getValue(_timebox("timebox_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3.5

API_urlbox(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: url
<INPUT type="url" name="urlbox_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, associated label, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th urlbox in the UI and 2nd urlbox with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_urlbox("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_urlbox({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_urlbox({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_urlbox("urlbox_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_urlbox(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_urlbox("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _setValue

Example usage:
_setValue(_urlbox("urlbox_name"), "");
_setValue(_urlbox("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), "");
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("", _getValue(_urlbox("urlbox_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3.5

API_weekbox(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: week
<INPUT type="week" name="weekbox_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, associated label, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th weekbox in the UI and 2nd weekbox with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_weekbox("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_weekbox({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_weekbox({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_weekbox("weekbox_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_weekbox(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_weekbox("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _setValue

Example usage:
_setValue(_weekbox("weekbox_name"), "1996-W16");
_setValue(_weekbox("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), "1996-W16");
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("1996-W16", _getValue(_weekbox("weekbox_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_textarea(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
<TEXTAREA  name="textarea_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th textarea in the UI and 2nd textarea with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_textarea("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_textarea({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_textarea({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_textarea("textarea_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_textarea(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_textarea("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _setValue

Example usage:
_setValue(_textarea("textarea_name"), "apple");
_setValue(_textarea("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), "apple");
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("apple", _getValue(_textarea("textarea_id")));

Button Like Elements


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_button(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: button
<INPUT type="button" value="apple"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersvalue, name, id, associated label, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th button in the UI and 2nd button with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_button("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_button({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_button({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_button("apple", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_button(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_button("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_button("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("apple", _getValue(_button("button_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_button(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: BUTTON of type: button
<BUTTON type="button" name="button_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >button text</BUTTON>
Identifiersvisible text, name, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th button in the UI and 2nd button with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_button("button text")
//visible text with regular expression
_button("/ton te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_button("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_button({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_button({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_button("button text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_button(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_button("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_button("button text"));
_click(_button("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("button text", _getText(_button("button_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_checkbox(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: checkbox
<INPUT type="checkbox" name="checkbox_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, value, css class, associated label, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th checkbox in the UI and 2nd checkbox with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_checkbox("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_checkbox({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_checkbox({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_checkbox("checkbox_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_checkbox(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_checkbox("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuechecked (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_checkbox("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
// Check irrespective of whether it was checked or unchecked
// Uncheck irrespective of whether it was checked or unchecked
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertTrue(_getAttribute(_checkbox("checkbox_id") , "checked")); // checked
_assertFalse(_getAttribute(_checkbox("checkbox_id") , "checked")); //  not checked


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_radio(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: radio
<INPUT type="radio" id="radio_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersid, name, value, css class, associated label, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th radio in the UI and 2nd radio with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_radio("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_radio({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_radio({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_radio("radio_id", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_radio(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_radio("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuechecked (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_radio("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
// Check irrespective of whether it was checked or unchecked
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertTrue(_getAttribute(_radio("radio_id") , "checked")); // checked
_assertFalse(_getAttribute(_radio("radio_id") , "checked")); //  not checked


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_submit(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: submit
<INPUT type="submit" value="apple"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersvalue, name, associated label, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th submit in the UI and 2nd submit with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_submit("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_submit({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_submit({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_submit("apple", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_submit(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_submit("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_submit("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("apple", _getValue(_submit("submit_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_submit(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: BUTTON of type: submit
<BUTTON type="submit" name="submit_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >submit text</BUTTON>
Identifiersvisible text, name, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th submit in the UI and 2nd submit with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_submit("submit text")
//visible text with regular expression
_submit("/mit te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_submit("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_submit({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_submit({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_submit("submit text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_submit(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_submit("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_submit("submit text"));
_click(_submit("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("submit text", _getText(_submit("submit_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_reset(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: reset
<INPUT type="reset" value="apple"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersvalue, name, id, css class, associated label, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th reset in the UI and 2nd reset with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_reset("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_reset({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_reset({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_reset("apple", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_reset(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_reset("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_reset("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("apple", _getValue(_reset("reset_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_reset(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: BUTTON of type: reset
<BUTTON type="reset" name="reset_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >reset text</BUTTON>
Identifiersvisible text, name, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th reset in the UI and 2nd reset with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_reset("reset text")
//visible text with regular expression
_reset("/set te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_reset("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_reset({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_reset({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_reset("reset text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_reset(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_reset("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_reset("reset text"));
_click(_reset("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("reset text", _getText(_reset("reset_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_imageSubmitButton(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: image
<INPUT type="image" title|alt="brief description"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifierstitle|alt, name, id, image file name, associated label, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th imageSubmitButton in the UI and 2nd imageSubmitButton with class "shaded bigfont")
_imageSubmitButton("brief description")
//css class with index
_imageSubmitButton("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_imageSubmitButton({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_imageSubmitButton({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_imageSubmitButton("brief description", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_imageSubmitButton(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_imageSubmitButton("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuenull (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_imageSubmitButton("brief description"));
_click(_imageSubmitButton("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible



Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_select(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
<SELECT  name="select_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th select in the UI and 2nd select with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_select("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_select({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_select({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_select("select_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_select(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_select("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
ValueoptionText (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _setSelected

Example usage:
_setSelected(_select("select_name"), "option one");
_setSelected(_select("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), "option one");
// select by index
_setSelected(_select("select_name"), 3);
// multi select by index
_setSelected(_select("select_name"), 4, true);
// select another in multiselect
_setSelected(_select("select_name"), "another one", true);
// select multiple in multiselect
_setSelected(_select("select_name"), ["opt one", "opt two"]);
// select multiple by index in multiselect
_setSelected(_select("select_name"), [1,2]);
// select some more in multiselect
_setSelected(_select("select_name"), ["opt three", "opt four"], true);
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible

// single option
_assertEqual("option one", _getSelectedText(_select("select_id")));
// multiple options
_assertEqual("option one,option three", _getSelectedText(_select("select_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_option(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
<OPTION  value="apple"
 >option text</OPTION>
Identifiersvisible text, value, id, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th option in the UI and 2nd option with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_option("option text")
//visible text with regular expression
_option("/ion te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_option("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_option({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_option({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_option("option text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_option(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_option("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is

Example usage:
_click(_option("option text"));
_click(_option("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("option text", _getText(_option("option_id")));

File Uploads


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_file(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: INPUT of type: file
<INPUT type="file" name="file_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, associated label, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th file in the UI and 2nd file with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_file("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_file({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_file({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_file("file_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_file(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_file("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevalue (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _setFile

Example usage:
_setFile(_file("file_name"), "apple");
_setFile(_file("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), "apple");
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("apple", _getValue(_file("file_id")));

Table Elements


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_table(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
<TABLE  id="table_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersid, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th table in the UI and 2nd table with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_table("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_table({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_table({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_table("table_id", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_table(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_table("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is null

Example usage:
_click(_table("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("table text", _getText(_table("table_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_row(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: TR
<TR  id="row_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >row text</TR>
Identifiersid, css class, visible text, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th row in the UI and 2nd row with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_row("row text")
//visible text with regular expression
_row("/ow te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_row("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_row({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_row({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_row("row_id", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_row(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_row("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_row("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("row text", _getText(_row("row_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_cell(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: TD
<TD  id="cell_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >cell text</TD>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th cell in the UI and 2nd cell with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_cell("cell text")
//visible text with regular expression
_cell("/ll te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_cell("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_cell({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_cell({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_cell("cell text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_cell(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_cell("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_cell("cell text"));
_click(_cell("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("cell text", _getText(_cell("cell_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_tableHeader(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: TH
<TH  id="tableHeader_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >tableHeader text</TH>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th tableHeader in the UI and 2nd tableHeader with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_tableHeader("tableHeader text")
//visible text with regular expression
_tableHeader("/Header te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_tableHeader("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_tableHeader({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_tableHeader({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_tableHeader("tableHeader text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_tableHeader(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_tableHeader("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_tableHeader("tableHeader text"));
_click(_tableHeader("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("tableHeader text", _getText(_tableHeader("tableHeader_id")));

Other HTML Tags


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_link(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: A
<A  title|alt="brief description"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >link text</A>
Identifiersvisible text, title|alt, id, index, href, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th link in the UI and 2nd link with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_link("link text")
//visible text with regular expression
_link("/nk te/")
//visible text with regular expression
_link("brief description")
//css class with index
_link("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_link({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_link({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_link("link text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_link(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_link("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_link("link text"));
_click(_link("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("link text", _getText(_link("link_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_image(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: IMG
<IMG  title|alt="brief description"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifierstitle|alt, id, image file name, index, css class

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th image in the UI and 2nd image with class "shaded bigfont")
_image("brief description")
//css class with index
_image("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_image({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_image({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_image("brief description", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_image(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_image("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuenull (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_image("brief description"));
_click(_image("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_label(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
<LABEL  id="label_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >label text</LABEL>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th label in the UI and 2nd label with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_label("label text")
//visible text with regular expression
_label("/bel te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_label("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_label({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_label({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_label("label text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_label(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_label("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_label("label text"));
_click(_label("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("label text", _getText(_label("label_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_listItem(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: LI
<LI  id="listItem_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >listItem text</LI>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th listItem in the UI and 2nd listItem with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_listItem("listItem text")
//visible text with regular expression
_listItem("/Item te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_listItem("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_listItem({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_listItem({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_listItem("listItem text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_listItem(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_listItem("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_listItem("listItem text"));
_click(_listItem("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("listItem text", _getText(_listItem("listItem_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_list(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: UL
<UL  id="list_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersid, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th list in the UI and 2nd list with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_list("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_list({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_list({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_list("list_id", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_list(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_list("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_list("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("list text", _getText(_list("list_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_list(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: OL
<OL  id="list_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersid, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th list in the UI and 2nd list with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_list("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_list({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_list({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_list("list_id", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_list(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_list("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_list("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("list text", _getText(_list("list_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_div(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: DIV
<DIV  id="div_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >div text</DIV>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th div in the UI and 2nd div with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_div("div text")
//visible text with regular expression
_div("/iv te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_div("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_div({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_div({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_div("div text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_div(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_div("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_div("div text"));
_click(_div("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("div text", _getText(_div("div_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_span(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: SPAN
<SPAN  id="span_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >span text</SPAN>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th span in the UI and 2nd span with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_span("span text")
//visible text with regular expression
_span("/an te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_span("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_span({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_span({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_span("span text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_span(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_span("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_span("span text"));
_click(_span("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("span text", _getText(_span("span_id")));


Since Sahi Pro:
Since Sahi OS: 5.0

API_fieldset(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
<FIELDSET  name="fieldset_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, css class, associated label, index, disabled

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th fieldset in the UI and 2nd fieldset with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_fieldset("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_fieldset({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_fieldset({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_fieldset("fieldset_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_fieldset(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_fieldset("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is

Example usage:
_click(_fieldset("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("fieldset text", _getText(_fieldset("fieldset_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_heading1(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: H1
<H1  id="heading1_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >heading1 text</H1>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th heading1 in the UI and 2nd heading1 with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_heading1("heading1 text")
//visible text with regular expression
_heading1("/ing1 te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_heading1("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_heading1({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_heading1({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_heading1("heading1 text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_heading1(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_heading1("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_heading1("heading1 text"));
_click(_heading1("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("heading1 text", _getText(_heading1("heading1_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_heading2(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: H2
<H2  id="heading2_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >heading2 text</H2>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th heading2 in the UI and 2nd heading2 with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_heading2("heading2 text")
//visible text with regular expression
_heading2("/ing2 te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_heading2("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_heading2({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_heading2({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_heading2("heading2 text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_heading2(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_heading2("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_heading2("heading2 text"));
_click(_heading2("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("heading2 text", _getText(_heading2("heading2_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_heading3(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: H3
<H3  id="heading3_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >heading3 text</H3>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th heading3 in the UI and 2nd heading3 with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_heading3("heading3 text")
//visible text with regular expression
_heading3("/ing3 te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_heading3("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_heading3({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_heading3({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_heading3("heading3 text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_heading3(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_heading3("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_heading3("heading3 text"));
_click(_heading3("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("heading3 text", _getText(_heading3("heading3_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_heading4(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: H4
<H4  id="heading4_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >heading4 text</H4>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th heading4 in the UI and 2nd heading4 with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_heading4("heading4 text")
//visible text with regular expression
_heading4("/ing4 te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_heading4("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_heading4({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_heading4({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_heading4("heading4 text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_heading4(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_heading4("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_heading4("heading4 text"));
_click(_heading4("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("heading4 text", _getText(_heading4("heading4_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_heading5(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: H5
<H5  id="heading5_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >heading5 text</H5>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th heading5 in the UI and 2nd heading5 with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_heading5("heading5 text")
//visible text with regular expression
_heading5("/ing5 te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_heading5("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_heading5({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_heading5({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_heading5("heading5 text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_heading5(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_heading5("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_heading5("heading5 text"));
_click(_heading5("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("heading5 text", _getText(_heading5("heading5_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_heading6(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: H6
<H6  id="heading6_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >heading6 text</H6>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th heading6 in the UI and 2nd heading6 with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_heading6("heading6 text")
//visible text with regular expression
_heading6("/ing6 te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_heading6("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_heading6({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_heading6({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_heading6("heading6 text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_heading6(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_heading6("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_heading6("heading6 text"));
_click(_heading6("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("heading6 text", _getText(_heading6("heading6_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_area(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: AREA
<AREA  id="area_id"
 title|alt="brief description"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersid, title|alt, href, shape, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th area in the UI and 2nd area with class "shaded bigfont")
_area("brief description")
//css class with index
_area("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_area({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_area({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_area("area_id", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_area(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_area("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuenull (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_area("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_map(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: MAP
<MAP  name="map_name"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersname, id, title, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th map in the UI and 2nd map with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_map("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_map({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_map({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_map("map_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_map(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_map("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuenull (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_map("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible


Since Sahi Pro: 4.3
Since Sahi OS: 4.3

API_paragraph(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: P
<P  id="paragraph_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >paragraph text</P>
Identifiersid, css class, visible text, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th paragraph in the UI and 2nd paragraph with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_paragraph("paragraph text")
//visible text with regular expression
_paragraph("/graph te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_paragraph("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_paragraph({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_paragraph({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_paragraph("paragraph_id", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_paragraph(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_paragraph("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_paragraph("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("paragraph text", _getText(_paragraph("paragraph_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_italic(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: I
<I  id="italic_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >italic text</I>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th italic in the UI and 2nd italic with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_italic("italic text")
//visible text with regular expression
_italic("/lic te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_italic("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_italic({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_italic({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_italic("italic text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_italic(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_italic("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_italic("italic text"));
_click(_italic("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("italic text", _getText(_italic("italic_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_emphasis(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: EM
<EM  id="emphasis_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >emphasis text</EM>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th emphasis in the UI and 2nd emphasis with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_emphasis("emphasis text")
//visible text with regular expression
_emphasis("/asis te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_emphasis("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_emphasis({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_emphasis({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_emphasis("emphasis text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_emphasis(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_emphasis("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_emphasis("emphasis text"));
_click(_emphasis("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("emphasis text", _getText(_emphasis("emphasis_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_bold(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: B
<B  id="bold_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >bold text</B>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th bold in the UI and 2nd bold with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_bold("bold text")
//visible text with regular expression
_bold("/ld te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_bold("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_bold({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_bold({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_bold("bold text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_bold(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_bold("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_bold("bold text"));
_click(_bold("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("bold text", _getText(_bold("bold_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_strong(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
<STRONG  id="strong_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >strong text</STRONG>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th strong in the UI and 2nd strong with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_strong("strong text")
//visible text with regular expression
_strong("/ong te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_strong("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_strong({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_strong({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_strong("strong text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_strong(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_strong("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_strong("strong text"));
_click(_strong("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("strong text", _getText(_strong("strong_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_preformatted(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: PRE
<PRE  id="preformatted_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >preformatted text</PRE>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th preformatted in the UI and 2nd preformatted with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_preformatted("preformatted text")
//visible text with regular expression
_preformatted("/matted te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_preformatted("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_preformatted({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_preformatted({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_preformatted("preformatted text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_preformatted(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_preformatted("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_preformatted("preformatted text"));
_click(_preformatted("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("preformatted text", _getText(_preformatted("preformatted_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_code(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: CODE
<CODE  id="code_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >code text</CODE>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th code in the UI and 2nd code with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_code("code text")
//visible text with regular expression
_code("/de te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_code("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_code({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_code({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_code("code text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_code(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_code("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_code("code text"));
_click(_code("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("code text", _getText(_code("code_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3

API_blockquote(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
<BLOCKQUOTE  id="blockquote_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >blockquote text</BLOCKQUOTE>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th blockquote in the UI and 2nd blockquote with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_blockquote("blockquote text")
//visible text with regular expression
_blockquote("/quote te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_blockquote("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_blockquote({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_blockquote({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_blockquote("blockquote text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_blockquote(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_blockquote("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_blockquote("blockquote text"));
_click(_blockquote("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("blockquote text", _getText(_blockquote("blockquote_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.6
Since Sahi OS: 3.5

API_canvas(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
<CANVAS  id="canvas_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >canvas text</CANVAS>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th canvas in the UI and 2nd canvas with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_canvas("canvas text")
//visible text with regular expression
_canvas("/vas te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_canvas("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_canvas({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_canvas({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_canvas("canvas text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_canvas(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_canvas("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_canvas("canvas text"));
_click(_canvas("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("canvas text", _getText(_canvas("canvas_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 3.6.2
Since Sahi OS: 4.3

API_abbr(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: ABBR
<ABBR  title=null
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >abbr text</ABBR>
Identifiersvisible text, title, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th abbr in the UI and 2nd abbr with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_abbr("abbr text")
//visible text with regular expression
_abbr("/br te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_abbr("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_abbr({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_abbr({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_abbr("abbr text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_abbr(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_abbr("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_abbr("abbr text"));
_click(_abbr("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("abbr text", _getText(_abbr("abbr_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 5.0.5
Since Sahi OS: 5.0

API_hr(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: HR
<HR  id="hr_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersid, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th hr in the UI and 2nd hr with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_hr("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_hr({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_hr({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_hr("hr_id", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_hr(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_hr("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Value (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_hr("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_iframe(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
<IFRAME  id="iframe_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersid, name, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th iframe in the UI and 2nd iframe with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_iframe("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_iframe({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_iframe({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_iframe("iframe_id", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_iframe(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_iframe("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Value (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is

Example usage:
_click(_iframe("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 2

API_frame(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
<FRAME  id="frame_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
Identifiersid, name, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th frame in the UI and 2nd frame with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_frame("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_frame({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_frame({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_frame("frame_id", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_frame(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_frame("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Value (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is

Example usage:
_click(_frame("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible


Since Sahi Pro: 5.0.5
Since Sahi OS: NA

API_object(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
<OBJECT  id="object_id"
Identifiersid, name, data, flex id, flex uid

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th object in the UI and 2nd object with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_object("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_object({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_object({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_object("object_id", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_object(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_object("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Value (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is

Example usage:
_click(_object("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible


Since Sahi Pro: 5.0.8
Since Sahi OS: NA

API_embed(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
<EMBED  name="embed_name"
Identifiersname, id, flex id, flex uid

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th embed in the UI and 2nd embed with class "shaded bigfont")
//css class with index
_embed("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_embed({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_embed({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_embed("embed_name", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_embed(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_embed("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Value (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is

Example usage:
_click(_embed("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible


Since Sahi Pro: 4.2
Since Sahi OS: 4.3

API_dList(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: DL
<DL  id="dList_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >dList text</DL>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th dList in the UI and 2nd dList with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_dList("dList text")
//visible text with regular expression
_dList("/ist te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_dList("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_dList({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_dList({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_dList("dList text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_dList(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_dList("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_dList("dList text"));
_click(_dList("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("dList text", _getText(_dList("dList_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 4.2
Since Sahi OS: 4.3

API_dTerm(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: DT
<DT  id="dTerm_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >dTerm text</DT>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th dTerm in the UI and 2nd dTerm with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_dTerm("dTerm text")
//visible text with regular expression
_dTerm("/erm te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_dTerm("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_dTerm({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_dTerm({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_dTerm("dTerm text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_dTerm(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_dTerm("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_dTerm("dTerm text"));
_click(_dTerm("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("dTerm text", _getText(_dTerm("dTerm_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 4.2
Since Sahi OS: 4.3

API_dDesc(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: DD
<DD  id="dDesc_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >dDesc text</DD>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th dDesc in the UI and 2nd dDesc with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_dDesc("dDesc text")
//visible text with regular expression
_dDesc("/esc te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_dDesc("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_dDesc({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_dDesc({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_dDesc("dDesc text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_dDesc(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_dDesc("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_dDesc("dDesc text"));
_click(_dDesc("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("dDesc text", _getText(_dDesc("dDesc_id")));


Since Sahi Pro:
Since Sahi OS: 5.0

API_font(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: FONT
<FONT  color=null
 >font text</FONT>
Identifiersvisible text, color, face, size

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th font in the UI and 2nd font with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_font("font text")
//visible text with regular expression
_font("/nt te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_font("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_font({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_font({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_font("font text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_font(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_font("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Value (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is none

Example usage:
none(_font("font text"), null);
none(_font("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))), null);
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible


Since Sahi Pro: 5.0
Since Sahi OS: NA

API_svg_rect(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: RECT
<RECT  id="svg_rect_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >svg_rect text</RECT>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th svg_rect in the UI and 2nd svg_rect with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_svg_rect("svg_rect text")
//visible text with regular expression
_svg_rect("/rect te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_svg_rect("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_svg_rect({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_svg_rect({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_svg_rect("svg_rect text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_svg_rect(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_svg_rect("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_svg_rect("svg_rect text"));
_click(_svg_rect("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("svg_rect text", _getText(_svg_rect("svg_rect_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 5.0
Since Sahi OS: NA

API_svg_tspan(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
<TSPAN  id="svg_tspan_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >svg_tspan text</TSPAN>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th svg_tspan in the UI and 2nd svg_tspan with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_svg_tspan("svg_tspan text")
//visible text with regular expression
_svg_tspan("/tspan te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_svg_tspan("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_svg_tspan({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_svg_tspan({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_svg_tspan("svg_tspan text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_svg_tspan(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_svg_tspan("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_svg_tspan("svg_tspan text"));
_click(_svg_tspan("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("svg_tspan text", _getText(_svg_tspan("svg_tspan_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 5.0
Since Sahi OS: NA

API_svg_circle(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
<CIRCLE  id="svg_circle_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >svg_circle text</CIRCLE>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th svg_circle in the UI and 2nd svg_circle with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_svg_circle("svg_circle text")
//visible text with regular expression
_svg_circle("/ircle te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_svg_circle("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_svg_circle({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_svg_circle({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_svg_circle("svg_circle text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_svg_circle(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_svg_circle("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_svg_circle("svg_circle text"));
_click(_svg_circle("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("svg_circle text", _getText(_svg_circle("svg_circle_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 5.0
Since Sahi OS: NA

API_svg_ellipse(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
<ELLIPSE  id="svg_ellipse_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >svg_ellipse text</ELLIPSE>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th svg_ellipse in the UI and 2nd svg_ellipse with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_svg_ellipse("svg_ellipse text")
//visible text with regular expression
_svg_ellipse("/llipse te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_svg_ellipse("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_svg_ellipse({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_svg_ellipse({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_svg_ellipse("svg_ellipse text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_svg_ellipse(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_svg_ellipse("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_svg_ellipse("svg_ellipse text"));
_click(_svg_ellipse("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("svg_ellipse text", _getText(_svg_ellipse("svg_ellipse_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 5.0
Since Sahi OS: NA

API_svg_line(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: LINE
<LINE  id="svg_line_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >svg_line text</LINE>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th svg_line in the UI and 2nd svg_line with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_svg_line("svg_line text")
//visible text with regular expression
_svg_line("/line te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_svg_line("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_svg_line({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_svg_line({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_svg_line("svg_line text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_svg_line(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_svg_line("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_svg_line("svg_line text"));
_click(_svg_line("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("svg_line text", _getText(_svg_line("svg_line_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 5.0
Since Sahi OS: NA

API_svg_polygon(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
<POLYGON  id="svg_polygon_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >svg_polygon text</POLYGON>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th svg_polygon in the UI and 2nd svg_polygon with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_svg_polygon("svg_polygon text")
//visible text with regular expression
_svg_polygon("/olygon te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_svg_polygon("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_svg_polygon({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_svg_polygon({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_svg_polygon("svg_polygon text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_svg_polygon(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_svg_polygon("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_svg_polygon("svg_polygon text"));
_click(_svg_polygon("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("svg_polygon text", _getText(_svg_polygon("svg_polygon_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 5.0
Since Sahi OS: NA

API_svg_polyline(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
<POLYLINE  id="svg_polyline_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >svg_polyline text</POLYLINE>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th svg_polyline in the UI and 2nd svg_polyline with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_svg_polyline("svg_polyline text")
//visible text with regular expression
_svg_polyline("/lyline te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_svg_polyline("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_svg_polyline({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_svg_polyline({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_svg_polyline("svg_polyline text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_svg_polyline(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_svg_polyline("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_svg_polyline("svg_polyline text"));
_click(_svg_polyline("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("svg_polyline text", _getText(_svg_polyline("svg_polyline_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 5.0
Since Sahi OS: NA

API_svg_path(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: PATH
<PATH  id="svg_path_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >svg_path text</PATH>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th svg_path in the UI and 2nd svg_path with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_svg_path("svg_path text")
//visible text with regular expression
_svg_path("/path te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_svg_path("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_svg_path({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_svg_path({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_svg_path("svg_path text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_svg_path(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_svg_path("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_svg_path("svg_path text"));
_click(_svg_path("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("svg_path text", _getText(_svg_path("svg_path_id")));


Since Sahi Pro: 5.0
Since Sahi OS: NA

API_svg_text(identifier [, relation1 [, relation2 ...]])
TagTag: TEXT
<TEXT  id="svg_text_id"
 class="shaded bigfont"
 >svg_text text</TEXT>
Identifiersvisible text, id, css class, index

Valid Accessors and alternatives: (Assume this is the 6th svg_text in the UI and 2nd svg_text with class "shaded bigfont")
//visible text
_svg_text("svg_text text")
//visible text with regular expression
_svg_text("/text te/")
//visible text with regular expression
//css class with index
_svg_text("shaded bigfont[1]")
//css class with regular expression and index
//multiple attributes as JSON
_svg_text({className: "shaded bigfont", sahiIndex: 1})
//multiple attributes as JSON including regular expression
_svg_text({className: "/shaded .*font/", sahiIndex: 1})
// Use sahiIndex for index, className for class and sahiText for visible text attributes.
Relations Relational APIs _in, _near, _leftOf, _rightOf, _under, _above can be used.
// with _in
_svg_text("svg_text text", _in(_div("Container")))

// index with 2 relational APIs, _rightOf and _under
_svg_text(0, _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))

// with regular expression and relations
_svg_text("/bigfont/", _rightOf(_span("Name")), _under(_cell("Action")))
Valuevisible text (this is the default attribute used in assertions etc.)
Actions Default event recorded is _click

Example usage:
_click(_svg_text("svg_text text"));
_click(_svg_text("/bigfont/[1]", _rightOf(_span("Name"))));
Assertions Example assertions:
// Check if element exists
// Check if element is visible
_assertEqual("svg_text text", _getText(_svg_text("svg_text_id")));