Sahi - Multiple Domains in a Page

Web pages can contain frames and iframes loading from different domains.
For example a news page from one domain may show facebook likes coming from the facebook domain.
When frames or iframes in a page are loaded from a domain different from the parent page,
Sahi needs to select the domain in the script to see the elements in the frame.

Sahi can target a particular domain using 2 APIs.


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3
Technologies Available: All


$domainIdentifierstring optional Can be the domain name or a regular expression of it.
To reference the base domain, omit this parameter or use null.



info This is the recommended way of working with domains.
This API allows selecting a domain before performing further actions.
// switch to frame of domain
// perform actions on frame
_assertEqual("Link Test", _getText(_link(0))); // no mention of domain needed
var $href;
_set($href, _link(0).href); // no mention of domain needed
// or
var $href = _fetch(_link(0).href); // no mention of domain needed
// switch back to domain of top frame
// perform actions on domain of top frame

// To reference a domain along with its protocol, pass the protocol also. Eg.


Since Sahi Pro: 3.5
Since Sahi OS: 3
Technologies Available: All


$domainIdentifierstring optional Can be the domain name or a regular expression of it.
To reference the base domain, omit this parameter or use null.



Any step to be executed on a particular domain
would be prefixed by _domain("domainIdentifier").
warning _domain is ONLY used as a PREFIX to Sahi Action APIs

// clicks link in frame of domain ""
// domain by regular expression

warning This API may be confusing while fetching attribute values or using assertions.
To fetch a value or asserting. this needs to be used a particular way.
_domain("")._assertEqual("Link Test", _getText(_link(0))); // CORRECT
_assertEqual("Link Test", _domain("")._getText(_link(0))); // WRONG

var $href;
_domain("")._set($href, _link(0).href); // CORRECT
_set($href, _domain("")._link(0).href); // WRONG
It is better to use the _selectDomain API instead.