Sahi - Storing Log Reports in MySQL

By default Sahi stores its reports in a H2 database which is bundled in Sahi. For custom reporting it may be necessary to store it into a central MySQL database or another database. To store in a MySQL database do the following

Create a Database

Create a database in MySQL using any MySQL client. Let us assume that the name of the database is sahireports

Note that minimum mysql version required is 5.6.4

Creating Tables

The tables will be created automatically, once Sahi is restarted after performing the following steps. There is no need to run the db script manually.

Add MySQL Driver Jars to Sahi Classpath

Download the MySQL Connector/J pack,
extract and copy mysql-connector-java-x.x.x-bin.jar to sahi/userdata/extlib folder (create if needed).

Note that minimum mysql java connector version required is 5.1.8

Point Sahi to use the MySQL Database

Add the following to in sahi/userdata/config folder
# Specifies database type.
# The inbuilt options are "mysql" and "h2"
# Change jdbc parameters accordingly

#JDBC parameters for mysql database

Change the user_name, password and database name as required.

Restart and Run

Restart Sahi. This will create the required tables in the database.

Run a script and check!


If you see an error like
com.mysql.jdbc.PacketTooBigException: Packet for query is too large
run the following query once on your database
SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet=16777216