Sahi with TextPad

To configure TextPad with Sahi, do the following,

For Syntax highlighting:
  1. Copy <SAHI_INSTALLED_DIRECTORY>\editors\textpad\sahi.syn to <TEXTPAD_INSTALLED_DIRECTORY>\system
  2. Add sahi.syn as a syntax file for .sah files:
  3. - Open TextPad - Go to Configure -> New Document Class...

    - Document class name: Sahi

    - Next - Class members: *.sah

    - Next - Enable Syntax Highlighting (check this)

    - Syntax definition file: choose sahi.syn

    - Next - Finish - Restart TextPad
To clip library:
  2. Open TextPad and go to View -> Clip Library
  3. Choose Sahi Keywords from the drop-down list