About MetricStream
MetricStream, the independent market leader in enterprise and cloud applications for Governance, Risk, Compliance (GRC) and Quality Management, makes GRC simple.
MetricStream apps improve business performance by strengthening risk management, corporate governance, regulatory compliance, vendor governance, and quality management for hundreds of thousands of users in dozens of industries, including Financial Services, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Energy and Utilities, Food, Retail, CPG, Government, Hi-Tech and Manufacturing. MetricStream is headquartered in Palo Alto, California, with an operations and R&D center in Bangalore, India, and sales and operations support in 12 other cities globally.
MetricStream started test automation with one of the leading commercial tools. The license cost on this tool was comparatively huge. This tool required professionals of specify skills and took more time îor preparing functions and automating the test cases and execution. Also, this tool could not execute in multiple machines or in cloud VMs or in Continuous Integration environments. Lastly, there were browser and OS dependencies of this fool.
MetricStream software products, an integrated solution for Governance, Risk, Compliance (GRC) are web based applications built on technologies like Java,Ext JS, Ajax. Sahi Pro Web Test Automation tool has been used in the areas of Front end UI Validation, Functional validations of Fields available from different pages like Reports, Dashboards, Color conditions, Date, Workflows Validation, Backend Data validation from Oracle Database, Exœl data validations/comparisons, File objects system validations, Download and upload data/files.
The overall Test Automation team size at MetricStream is of 5 people which works on functions developed centrally and are used to execute test suites of 18 Produce. They test products in agile methodology and in continuous integration.
Sahi Pro and it's simple APIs are easy to understand and implement with data driven automated test suite within a few days. This made automation easier and more efficient at MetricStream. The non-technical team members are able to learn and participate in automation process quickly. MetricStream achieved the following benefits while using Sahi Pro:
- Smart Accessors capability of Sahi Pro helped to prepare common functions reusable for cross browser testing. In MetricStream applications, Sahi Pro identifies 90% of UI objects.
- Built-in Excel framework of Sahi helped to prepare executable suites in 2 to 3 hours with reusable test cases and different data sets for new features.
- The cost of Sahi Pro was less than QTP, our previous automation tool.
- Using Sahi Pro, the overall regression test time was brought down to 1/3rd of Manual testing, resulting in an average savings of 70% to 80% on man hours of manual testing.
- In an agile process, Sahi Pro helped to integrate with Jenkins and SVN to test builds in Continuous Integration.
- Sahi Pro support team is awesome and helped with resolution on time.
- In-built synchronization helped avoid unwanted hard waits.
- Parallel execution on different types of browsers helped in browser certifications.
MetricStream has been using Sahi Pro for past several years and believes that it's the best tool for DevOps; it's flexible for various types of testing strategies and is scalable for achieving quick ROI.

Sahi Pro simplifies Test Automation so you can invest your time in creative testing.
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