Sahi Pro - Assertions

Assertions compare runtime behaviour against expected behaviour.
Assertions are used for "verification" or "checking" of functionality

Assertions are an integral part of Sahi scripts. A normal script would contain a series of actions followed by verification
of functionality.


_assert($condition[, $message])

$conditionboolean condition to verify
$messagestring optionalmessage to log if condition fails


_assert will do nothing if the condition passed to it is true
_assert will log failures to the playback logs if the condition evaluates to false.
danger DO NOT USE THIS IN AN IF CONDITION as it does not return any value, and throws an exception if the assertion fails


_assertTrue($condition[, $message])

$conditionboolean condition to verify
$messagestring optionalmessage to log if condition fails


Same as _assert


_assertNotTrue($condition[, $message])

$conditionboolean condition which is expected to evaluate to false
$messagestring optionalmessage to log if condition evaluates to true


_assertNotTrue will do nothing if the condition evaluates to false
_assertNotTrue will log failures to the playback logs if the condition evaluates to true.
danger DO NOT USE THIS IN AN IF CONDITION as it does not return any value, and throws an exception if the assertion fails


_assertFalse($condition[, $message])

$conditionboolean condition which is expected to evaluate to false
$messagestring optionalmessage to log if condition evaluates to true


_assertFalse will do nothing if the condition evaluates to false
_assertFalse will log failures to the playback logs if the condition evaluates to true.
danger DO NOT USE THIS IN AN IF CONDITION as it does not return any value, and throws an exception if the assertion fails


_assertNull($value[, $message])

$valueanything Anything to be checked for null
$messagestring optionalmessage to log if value is not null


_assertNull will do nothing if the value passed is null
_assertNull will log failures to the playback logs if the value is not null.
danger DO NOT USE THIS IN AN IF CONDITION as it does not return any value, and throws an exception if the assertion fails


_assertNotNull($value[, $message])

$valueanything Anything to be checked for not null
$messagestring optionalmessage to log if value is null


_assertNotNull will do nothing if the value passed is not null
_assertNotNull will log failures to the playback logs if the value is null.
danger DO NOT USE THIS IN AN IF CONDITION as it does not return any value, and throws an exception if the assertion fails


_assertExists($element[, $message])

$elementHTML DOM element element to be checked for existence
$messagestring optionalmessage to log if element does not exist on page


_assertExists will do nothing if the element exists
_assertExists will log failures to the playback logs if the element does not exist
danger DO NOT USE THIS IN AN IF CONDITION as it does not return any value, and throws an exception if the assertion fails


_assertNotExists($element[, $message])

$elementHTML DOM element element to be checked for non existence
$messagestring optionalmessage to log if element exists on page


_assertNotExists will do nothing if the element does not exist
_assertNotExists will log failures to the playback logs if the element exists
danger DO NOT USE THIS IN AN IF CONDITION as it does not return any value, and throws an exception if the assertion fails


_assertEqual($expected, $actual[, $message])

$expectedany Expected value.
This value can be any normal javascript data type or an array
Regular expressions can also be used. (eg. "/del/")
$actualany Actual value.
This value can be any normal javascript data type or an array.
It is mostly some attribute of a HTML DOM element.
$messagestring optional Message to be written to logs if the expected and actual values are not equal


_assertEqual will do nothing if the expected and actual values match
_assertEqual will log failures to the playback logs if the expected and actual values are not equal
danger DO NOT USE THIS IN AN IF CONDITION as it does not return any value, and throws an exception if the assertion fails


_assertEqualArrays($expected, $actual[, $message])

$expectedarray Expected array.
$actualarray Actual array.
$messagestring optional Message to be written to logs if the expected and actual values are not equal


Asserts that expected and actual arrays are equal, else logs the message.
This is internally called by _assertEqual if expected and actual are arrays.
Use _assertEqual instead


_assertNotEqual($expected, $actual[, $message])

$expectedany Expected value.
This value can be any normal javascript data type or an array
Regular expressions can also be used. (eg. "/del/")
$actualany Actual value.
This value can be any normal javascript data type or an array.
It is mostly some attribute of a HTML DOM element.
$messagestring optional Message to be written to logs if the expected and actual values are equal


_assertNotEqual will do nothing if the expected and actual values do not match
_assertNotEqual will log failures to the playback logs if the expected and actual values are equal
danger DO NOT USE THIS IN AN IF CONDITION as it does not return any value, and throws an exception if the assertion fails


_assertContainsText($expected, $element[, $message])

$expectedstring Expected string.
Regular expressions can also be used. (eg. "/del/")
$elementHTML DOM element Element. We check if expected is a part of the text of this element.
$messagestring optional Message to be written to logs if the expected string is not part of the text of given element


_assertContainsText will do nothing if the expected string/regex is part of the text content of given element
_assertContainsText will log failures to the playback logs if the expected string/regex is not part of the text content of given element
danger DO NOT USE THIS IN AN IF CONDITION as it does not return any value, and throws an exception if the assertion fails


_assertNotContainsText($expected, $element[, $message])

$expectedstring Expected string.
Regular expressions can also be used. (eg. "/del/")
$elementHTML DOM element Element. We check if expected is not a part of the text of this element.
$messagestring optional Message to be written to logs if the expected string is part of the text of given element


_assertContainsText will do nothing if the expected string/regex is not part of the text content of given element
_assertContainsText will log failures to the playback logs if the expected string/regex is part of the text content of given element
danger DO NOT USE THIS IN AN IF CONDITION as it does not return any value, and throws an exception if the assertion fails

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